Athens International Airport is actually very nice, everything is there and they are pretty organized. It is easy to check in and find everything one needs. Just be aware, even in the international departure only Euros are accepted. I run out of Euros and wanted to get a way, please go and change money on the exchange counter....but who would change USD just to buy a coffee for Euro 3.60....not me!!!!

Next stop was Dubai. I had the great pleasure to spend 4 hours in the airport....yes right as if it is a pleasure to sit and wait for a connection. But I must say that Dubai airport is lovely, yes of course there is all the shopping but how much can one buy.....surely lots of people could buy loads, but I am not such a shopaholic. I was on Terminal 3 checked out the shops a bit and yes they are all nice, very nice. But the best is what they call the Food Court. This is definitely not your usual food courts. On both sides of the terminal is a huge space, more like a park, with restaurants, take aways and bars. One can sit and relax, buy a news paper and actually easily spend the couple of hours between flights. There is everything, from McDonald's and Burger King to the Italian Trattoria, a Sushi and Champagne bar, lovely coffee shops and pastry shops. Yes, that is what I call a food court.
I got this huge Cappuccino for $6.00 and it was even served to the table. Dubai airport is getting top marks from me. The only small downfall is maybe that the electronic stores on Terminal 3 are not the greatest, everything else is really good. I arrived at 4 AM local time and everything is open, yes they go non stop, and then by 8 AM the airport was really full of travelers, but not that it was over full.

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